


Weekly #4: All in Linux

Hi ~ This is liuyuxin, and this is my 4th weekly report. In the past week, I have been busy with my girlfriend's application for graduate school. Fortunately, everything is coming to an end, and if everything goes well, my girlfriend will become my fellow alumnus.

My weekly report will be updated every Monday morning through WeChat Official Account and my personal blog. Please search for "刘玉新" on WeChat Official Account, and the blog address is: The blog supports RSS subscription:

Here is the main content.

Switching to Linux#

As the development of the Windows version of MeRead is nearing completion, I decided to also work on the Linux version. I have been using Linux for over two years. For a long time, my computer has been running both Windows and Linux as dual boot systems. The distributions I have used for the longest time are Pop!_OS and Manjaro, and I have also used Deepin for a while. However, gradually, I lost interest in tinkering and started using Linux less frequently.

But this time, I decided to completely abandon Windows and install Linux on my computer because:

  • I don't use any professional software that is only available on Windows.
  • The low resource usage and higher customizability of Linux desktop are more suitable for me.
  • I prefer using the command line to solve problems rather than relying on software (Windows cmd is really difficult to use).

After trying several distributions and considering my previous experience, I finally chose Ubuntu. Compared to other distributions, Ubuntu has better software and hardware compatibility. Although Arch-based distributions have abundant software sources and higher customizability, the configuration process is somewhat complicated and not suitable for someone like me who frequently reinstalls the system.


Currently, my Ubuntu setup is as follows:

  • Terminal: bash + oh-my-posh
  • Input method: Fcitx5
  • VPN: FClash
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Development: VSCode + JetBrains + git
  • Media player: VLC
  • Document processing: WPS
  • Email: Gmail
  • File sharing: LocalSend
  • Knowledge management: Logseq

Logseq + Omnivore#

I took a look, and my Cubox membership will expire at the end of this month. I have decided not to renew it. I have been using Cubox for over a year as a read-later app, and my biggest dissatisfaction with Cubox is its poor integration. The annotated content cannot be synchronized with Obsidian or Logseq. So I plan to replace Cubox with Omnivore as my read-later app.

Actually, compared to Omnivore, Readerwise Reader has more comprehensive features. But since Omnivore is open-source and free software, I am more tolerant towards open-source software. Even though the Android client of Omnivore is a mess, I still choose to embrace open-source. Moreover, Omnivore will support self-hosted services in the future, which is exactly what I want.

Syncing annotations from Omnivore to Logseq

Using the official Logseq plugin of Omnivore, my reading annotations are automatically synced to journals. I can review and write in Logseq, completing the cycle of reading, organizing, and using.

Other matters#

  • WeChat Reading already has the e-book "Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future". I just finished reading the "Prologue: The Muse of Fire", which is very interesting. It's worth reading a biography written by one of the most outstanding contemporary biographers about one of the most legendary entrepreneurs of our time.
  • After considering various options, I decided to use Slash to manage my bookmarks. It's a self-hosted service, very reliable! It just lacks support for dark mode adaptation.
  • JetBrains has released a standalone Rust IDE: RustRover. Rust has also become increasingly popular in recent years. I plan to find some spare time to read the Rust documentation and learn it.
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